
We have heard scary stories about dental health. Some of them appear to be true while some are far from it. Here are lots of common misconceptions about teeth and oral care. That’s the bad news. The good news is that your Dentistsdoncaster.Com.AU is here to dispel the rumors and shed some light on the real facts of good dental hygiene!

Here is a list of the popular dental myths and misconceptions.

  • Fluoride is necessary for healthy teeth

Many people have the personal impression that natural fluoride which is found in water is the key to white sparkling teeth. You are wrong on this. What you need to know is that fluoride present in water is toxic. It’s a chemical compound and not natural fluoride. We absorb almost 95% of this fluoride into our bodies. You need to know that excess fluoride is likely to be harmful. More surprising, its causes some spotting on your teeth.

  • Aspirin alleviates dental pain

So far, this is the best misconception which appears to be true. Many believe that if you place the pill on the affected tooth, it can alleviate pain. Next time you develop a toothache, try pooping the pellet.

  • Brushing regularly keeps your teeth clean

This myth is popular on people who brush after every minute to avoid dirt in the teeth. Cleaning more often causes harm than good. There is a layer in your teeth known as the enamel. It functions to keep bacteria from your teeth. If you brush after every minute, then chances of ripping the coating are definite. This will make your teeth rote most of the times. Instead, try to brush only twice a day.

  • Sugars are the primary source of rotting teeth

Sugar alone does not contribute to rotting of your teeth. There are additional issues such as acid which causes cavities in your mouth. Once you eat carbs, then bacteria tend to produce more acid. Try keeping a balanced diet next time instead of blaming it all on sugar.

  • Chewing sugar-free gum is the same as brushing

This only gives you a fresh breath but doesn’t remove bacteria from your teeth.

If you’re looking for a trusted dental clinic that can help you achieve healthy teeth, you can visit Dental 266’s clinic in Burwood today.

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