
When talking about surgery, it is impossible to miss topics about anesthesia. Here, let us know more about a type of anesthesia that most pregnant women in movies often request, the epidural injection. Find out what it is, how it is given, and how finding the right epidural needle size can make a difference in its administration.

What is epidural anesthesia and how is it different from the others?

An epidural injection is a type of anesthesia that blocks nerve endings in a certain part of the body. It may be related to regional anesthesia, but its action is more of being an analgesic that blocks the pain, instead of anesthesia that blocks the entire sensation of a body part. For instance, general anesthesia in a pregnant woman delivering her baby via cesarean section lets her be unconscious during the whole procedure, while an epidural numbs the body’s lower spinal region while she is still awake.

How is getting the correct epidural needle size important?

Finding the best epidural needle can make administering the anesthesia easy breezy for the anesthesiologist. No errors can be made and the catheter that is going to be left after insertion will be put in the best spot, thanks to the needle guide.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting an epidural?

epidural needle sizeLet us discuss the positive and negative effects of using an epidural injection during labor and delivery.

Pros. Getting epidural lets you be free of pain while in labor but still keeps you aware of what’s going on so you can keep memories about this awesome moment. Your doctor can also taper your dosage and adjust it according to your pain threshold, so it’s safer not to have an overdose.

Cons. If you are under epidural anesthesia during labor, hypotension or a sudden drop in your blood pressure may happen. Numbing the lower spinal region can also make it difficult for you to push the baby out during contractions. Women also report that the medication made them feel a bit nauseous, and experienced lower back pain and urinary incontinence.

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