
Throughout many centuries, when there was little advancement in the field of medicine, there were herbs that can help with your pain. Herbs were used to relieve pain caused by a variety of issues. It was a cheap method of medication that was fast in curing many problems. These ancient methods have been incorporated into modern medication due to its effective nature of curing diseases.

The following are some of the natural herbs for nerve pain.


Ginger is a special herb that contains phytochemicals essential in reducing inflammations that are usually a result of nerve pain. Ginger is a powerful herb that reduces nerve pain and which should be taken in small amounts as it has been linked to a few other side effects. Ginger can be used on tea or even in a blend of mixed fruit juice.

Hypericum perforatum   

Hypericum perforatum is a special herb used to treat nerve pain in the body. The leaves and the flowers of the plant contain an oily substance which when extracted can be used to relieve nerve pain like neuralgia as well as the inflammations caused by the nerve dysfunction. This plant is believed to contain hypericin, which is usually a neuronal metabolism activator thus efficient in reducing pain.

Ginkgo biloba  

The extracts made from this plant are usually collected dry and are beneficial in reducing nerve pain as well as the inflammations caused by the nerve dysfunction. However, the intake of this herb should be limited as it can sometimes lead to nausea, dizziness and even diarrhea.

herbs for nerve painAngelica 

Angelica is a very interesting herb which is involved in one of the Chinese folklore and which hold a special place in ancient Chinese medicine. The whole plant is medicinal, from the roots, the seeds, the leaves, the fruit to the stem.

Angelica lowers nervous pain and also discourages inflammations in the areas where there is nervous tissue damage. Angelica can be prepared with tea when it is dried.

In conclusion, adopting a more natural way of reducing nerve pain is healthy and also beneficial for its fast relief effect. There are many other herbs like the rosemary and turmeric which are also beneficial and which will reduce nerve pain a great deal.

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