
Either local or general, there would always be some sort of anesthesia pulling teeth. In most cases, the anesthetic that would be used would only be a local one to inhibit pain the area of the tooth, but some patients would prefer to have general anesthesia and be asleep during the procedure. You can visit this website and see anesthesia options at


Is it safe?

Over the years, advances have been made in the dental industry. Dental anesthetic for tooth extractions has been deemed and proven over and over again to be extremely safe. In all the years that dental anesthesia has been in use, there have been exceedingly few deaths as well as no recorded long-term adverse effects of using dental anesthesia. There are a few side-effects, but they would usually subside after some time. The effects of the anesthetic will usually last for around one to three hours after the procedure is finished. When the feeling comes back to your gums, you will only feel a mild pain until the tooth extraction site would be able to fully heal. If you eat before the effects wear off, do not chew on the numb side.


Have there been instances when the anesthesia did not work?

Normally, a tooth extraction surgery would be quick and easy. The patient would go into the dentist’s office, the dentist would apply local anesthesia and the patient would be on the dentist’s chair for only around 20 to 40 minutes for the actual extraction.

However, it might be a problem if the patient does not react to the anesthesia. Here are some reasons why that can happen.


anesthesia pulling teethThe shot of anesthesia wasn’t administered properly. This can happen for a variety of reasons. It could be because the patient was not able to sit still enough for the shot to be put in the right place, which can be understandable because getting a shot to the gums can be quite uncomfortable. Or in other cases, it could be because the shot missed its mark because of human error. Dentists are highly trained to administer anesthesia, but then they sometimes make mistakes.

How a patient’s body processes the numbing agent. Everyone reacts to anesthesia differently. For some people, the effects could wear off sooner than others, and the numbness could also be gone sooner than expected.

Hot tooth. This means that you have a tooth causing you pain, if more nerves are in pain, there will be more anesthetic needed.


If you think you might have trouble getting numb, contact your dentist near Lindfield at Killara Dental clinic before the procedure. Relax. Your dentist will know what to do if you describe your symptoms.

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