
Pain relief is available for muscle and back pain, toothache, or any other pain in the body. Yet, when it comes to sensitive body parts like your eyes, you may not have ready-made OTC numbing eye drops. Patients tend to overlook diseases that damage their eyesight. But, you can prevent this issue when you visit Mornington Eye Peninsula’s clinic website for more information. Can you get OTC numbing eye drops outside an eye care center? If you want a safe way to relieve your eye pain, read ahead. 

Are OTC Numbing Eye Drops Available?

Over-the-counter medicine (OTC) and drugs are prescribed to patients to continue their pain relief and a home solution. However, there are limitations to pain relievers that may have significant side effects on your body. As of today, there are no available OTC numbing eye drops from drug stores or pharmacies. 

Numbing eye drops aren’t used for pain relief, soothing, hydrating, anti-allergy, or antibiotics. Hence, if you see claims of eye products that are nonprescription medicine available online, don’t fall for these scams. Only consider asking available medications and antibiotics from your trusted eye health centers or clinics. 

What Are The Benefits Of Numbing Eye Drops?

Since you can’t shop for OTC numbing eye drops, you may only get this eye correction medicine from a professional and certified doctor. How does your eye benefit from pain relievers? Here are two essential exams that can help your eyes feel better.

Corneal Abrasion Treatment

A corneal abrasion results from external causes such as sports injury, hitting your cornea with fingernails, and intensively rubbing your eyes. Loose foreign material, nerve eruption (due to high blood pressure), or inflammation from bacteria can also cause a corneal abrasion. 

According to ophthalmologists, the scratching of the clear tissue on the surface of your eye may require surgery. A numbing eye drop helps an ophthalmology specialist to detect which areas of your eye was affected. 

Before An Eye Exam

A regular eye exam is beneficial to see if there are underlying conditions on your eye. The process of checking your eyes are either through tests like Retinoscopy, visual acuity, or intraocular pressure movement. Your doctor will have to ask requirements such as medical history, allergies, or previous surgical procedures among these eye examinations. Afterward, the ophthalmologist will apply droplets of sedative or local anesthetic on your cornea. 

Side Effects Of Numbing Eye Drops

Are you going to an eye specialist appointment soon? You may have to expect these side effects after applying numbing eye drops. If you have any emergency regarding your recovery or post-operative care, go to your nearest hospital or ophthalmology center immediately. 

  • Blurry vision
  • Dizziness
  • Tearing of eyes
  • Redness or irritation
  • Stinging sensation
  • Throbbing pain in the eye
  • Nasal and sinuses pain (from improper eye drop use)

Why Aren’t OTC Numbing Eye Drops Available?

OTC Numbing Eye Drops

Despite the various options to soothe dry and blurry eyes, it is not similar to prescription medications such as numbing eye drops. The American Academy of Ophthalmology explains that OTC numbing eye drops may have safety reasons. Unlike NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), eye drops may cause further infection or damage in your eyes on higher dosages. Moreover, unsupervised products are not legal since you need to have a doctor or a nurse to apply the eye drop. 

Safety Precautions When Using A Numbing Eye Drop

It is common for an eye clinic to request your previous medical illnesses to see if it will conflict with the dropper’s materials. Your doctor will most likely check the healing progress or if there are no side effects at all. It is crucial not to touch the eye or injure it while it is numb. Moreover, don’t use additional pain relief eye drops without advice from your ophthalmologist. You may also have to wait for a longer time to war your contact lens to prevent further damage. With these safety policies mentioned, anyone can reduce pain in their cornea. 

If you want to know more about eye problems, consult your eye care clinic in Melbourne about relevant questions or symptoms. 

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