
Topical anesthesia is a form of dental anesthetics used to numb soft tissues in specific areas. Also known as numbing gel, it is applied using either a cotton roll or swab. It is applied on the gum for a few minutes to achieve the best possible numbing effect. Read more about dental anesthesia and sedation options before dental surgeries at

Topical anesthesia is applied either on the gums or cheeks in preparation for a woman receiving topical anesthesia via injection local anesthetic injection. Its numbing effect makes the injection of local anesthesia more bearable and comfortable. Its effect is maintained on the surface of gums; it doesn’t go deep enough to numb the nerves under the gums or teeth. When a patient has a fear for needles and injections, dentists refer to numb the area with a gel before the injection so that the patient remains calm.

Interaction with medications

Not all medications work well with topical anesthesia. Some medication may interfere with anesthesia and cause complications. Certain foods, tobacco or alcohol may also have to be avoided for as long as the anesthesia lasts. Always ask your dentist for advice about what to eat and what to avoid. You will be advised on which medication works with the anesthesia and which one doesn’t.

Side Effects

Numbing gel is not known to have adverse side effects. However, applying too much amount of it may cause swelling of the affected area, tenderness, burning, fatigue, stinging sensation, convulsions, dizziness, shivering, anxiety, trembling, confusion and blurred vision, paleness, irregular heartbeat and troubled breathing. Should you experience one or more of these symptoms, get in touch with your dentist immediately.
In some cases, some dentists avoid numbing gel and instead apply local anesthesia directly. If you should be concerned about this, you are always at liberty to ask. Your dentist should be able to settle any anxieties you may have.

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