
If there is one body pain that anyone will find excruciating and overwhelming at the same time, many would attest that it has to be a toothache. Who would have thought this small, underrated part of the body could cause such irritating discomfort that some compare to more severe pain than a wound. What many would do is to get the most effective pain reliever for your toothache, expecting temporary relief at the very least. Finding the strongest toothache medicine to relieve the pain from your toothache is now your ultimate quest. Let us help you decipher which pain medication can address the level of your discomfort.

Toothache Causes: Where did your Dental Pain come from?

If we are to talk about the reason why you feel dental pain, we have to discuss the root cause of it. Just like wanting to use eye numbing drops for your eye pain, you would want to, first and foremost, know where the pain come from. And since we mention the root, this is actually where all the tooth pain begins. The inner part of your tooth called the pulp, stores all the nerves and blood vessels that nourish your pearly whites.

Once the pulp becomes irritated, either by trauma, decay, or bacteria, the nerves inside it send signals to the brain. the brain then arms your body with pain receptors that activate and bring discomfort, sometimes not just to your tooth but to neighbouring structures. Many could attest that their tooth pain radiates to their jaw, neck, head, and ears.

Other Tooth Pain causes

Tooth Sensitivity

Unlike tooth damage, tooth sensitivity comes from gum issues that may expose the middle layer of your tooth. This part encases the nerve endings that send stimulus to your brain, the same way it causes a sting that you don’t feel when you have healthy teeth.


This is a common problem brought on by stress, sleep disorders, or a bite issue. If you grind your teeth while you sleep, it can wear away your enamel and even cause a crack. If you have issues with your teeth and you need a professional to help you, visit this site:, and a reliable dental team can assess and diagnose what’s really causing your discomfort.

Failed dental treatment or dental surgery. Removed tooth filling, root canal therapy issues, wisdom teeth extraction, or cracked teeth can definitely cause minor pain or other dental problems.


If you have crooked or overcrowded teeth, cleaning them becomes a struggle. and, as we all know, failure to practice proper oral hygiene can lead to tooth decay. This can then cause not just toothache, but gum pain, soft tissue swelling, and even deep cavity issues.

External Sources

Sometimes, there are other bodily pains that radiate and affect your teeth. Headache, clogged nose or sinus, or jaw pain can become, what we call, referred pain.

Pain Relief: Home Remedy vs Professional Advice

Like most of us who suffer from an abrupt or sudden toothache, many people opt to find home remedies that they can have to DIY and serve as their pain medication. There are many tried-and-tested DIY pain management steps that you can try to relieve pain, namely:toothache home remedies

  • saltwater rinse
  • hydrogen peroxide mouthwash
  • using cold compress
  • oil pulling
  • using used peppermint tea bags as a compress
  • applying garlic paste on tooth area that’s causing pain
  • dabbing a cotton ball with clove oil or vanilla extract to reduce pain.

These home remedies can reduce inflammation and counter pain, but they will not address the main cause of why you are having dental discomfort. The only way for us to get the most effective pain reliever is to have a proper diagnosis from a dental specialist, undergo dental treatment, and get a prescription medication or OTC pain relievers to effectively vanquish your discomfort. You can book an appointment here if you want to see a reliable dentist as soon as possible.

Tooth Pain: Effective Pain Relief

There are many pain relief medications that many dentists may prescribe, some can be gotten over-the-counter, while some are considered prescription medication. Here are some of the most and commonly used medications to reduce swelling and relieve pain.


With brands like Advil and Motrin, ibuprofen is a known nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that relieves pain in different parts of the body, including toothache. You may take this with or without a prescription, but you may need to ask your dentist as to how often you can take it. Ibuprofen is known to cause adverse effects for patients with uncontrolled high blood pressure. Some also have allergic reactions to this, and prolonged use can even cause liver damage or kidney disease.


acetaminophen as toothache medicineAcetaminophen, also marketed as paracetamol in other countries, is the most recommended pain reliever for kids and adults. Marketed as Tylenol, it manages your pain in the form of a tablet, oral suspension, or liquid gel capsules. Because acetaminophen is safer than NSAIDs, it can counter pain, but it doesn’t reduce inflammation as NSAIDs do.


Many of our parents would swear by the effectiveness of aspirin as a pain reliever. However, using aspirin can affect your blood circulation and cause a heart attack if used in higher doses.

We would want to counter pain and provide immediate pain relief for our toothache. However, we always advise our patients to consult their dentists first. Talk to your healthcare provider, dentist, or pharmacist before taking any OTC pain reliever. They can help you determine the correct dose and confirm that the medication does not interfere with your other prescribed drugs.

If the symptoms still persist, you can call your local dental clinic and schedule a consultation.


An Overview of Toothaches


Over-the-Counter Pain Relief Medication for Dental Use

Best Drugs for Dental Pain

Medications for Toothache

Ibuprofen for adults (including Nurofen)

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