
Does Acupuncture For TMJ Disorders Work?

Acupuncture was not a medical procedure that was discovered recently. Traditional medicine in China was able to preserve and pass this practice through branches of families. Nowadays, people look for alternatives in standard medical procedures. Also, traditional Chinese medical practitioners believe that there are trigger points in our body. These trigger points are connected in a series of the network. …


Treating receding gums through homeopathic medicine

Receding gums is a common side effect of gum disease.  Although seeing a dentist is recommended to have it rectified, it can be expensive and time consuming.  A trip to to the dentist is quite tedious from the tools use that still has to go through dental autoclaves to sterilize their equipment up to the treatment method. Whether you’re looking …


Alternative to Antibiotics for Tooth Infection

Typically tooth infections are treated by using antibiotics such as amoxicillin or penicillin. However, while utilizing antibiotics in such a manner represents an orthodox response to infection, the alternative to antibiotics for tooth infection consists of a spectrum of natural treatment options. But if syptoms of tooth infection persists, you should visit a trusted dental care provider like No Gaps


Natural Remedies for Mumps

Did you know that mumps are contagious and viral diseases? They occur when infections or mump virus affect the salivary glands, causing pain and swelling. Mumps affect anyone regardless of the age. However, it is more common in children than adults. This infection has several symptoms like inflammation,pain, fatigue, loss of appetite, headache and fever among others. While it’s important …


Top Home Remedies for Gum Pain

Almost every adult will come across a type of gum pain at least once in his lifetime. Luckily, gum pain is easy to treat in early stages. You don’t even have to visit a doctor. Here are some home remedies for gum pain that we’ve collected from  which are proven to be effective. In fact, they’ve been used by …


Alternative Medicine For Osteoporosis

Western medicine prescribes numerous drugs for osteoporosis cure. But, most of these drugs have immense side effects. Women in menopause stage are the major victims of this bone disease. Since, they are already suffering from various hormonal problems, taking regular powerful pills, worsen the problem instead of making them feel better. Osteoporosis could lead to arthritis which is a disease …


Treatment And Alternative Medicine For Schizophrenia

As therapeutic science advance and the comprehension of individuals about the physiological, anatomical and neurotic increment, more present-day meds are coming into utilization. Today, there is various alternative medicine for schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia is a serious brain disorder that distorts the way a person thinks, acts, expresses emotions, perceives reality, and relates to others. If you want to have cosmetic surgery …


Alternative Medicine For Lupus

Lupus is an immune system sickness that can affect a few body organs and the body’s connective tissues. The condition primarily impacts ladies, however, men are likewise influenced by the condition. It can be found in two primary structures known as discoid lupus and fundamental lupus. Discoid lupus is confined to the skin where it initiates a red rash on …