
Even though we do excellent oral hygiene at home, we will still need a tartar removal tool to work out the plaques thoroughly. A tartar removal tool is available in markets as well as in dental clinics. This article will help us figure out the difference between using a tartar removal tool at home vs. a professional tartar removal. According to dentists, oral health care at home is not a substitute for your regular check ups at the dentist.

What is tartar?

You can also refer to tartar as calculus. Tartar usually forms below and above the gumline. Tartar buildup can cause gum recession and gum diseases. You will need the support of a tartar removal tool to get rid of it.

A bacteria that is naturally inside the mouth mixes with food particles, which will lead to the formation of plaque. It will form into tartar as it hardens and become discoloured if continuously neglected. In effect, it brings your teeth an unpleasant appearance. Additionally, it can lead to tooth decay and other oral health issues.

However, you don’t have to worry about it anymore. You have options to choose from to help you get rid of your tartar.

Tartar removal tool at home

A plaque remover is the best tool to help you eliminate plaque and tartar buildup in your teeth. Plaque scrapers are widely available in stores, but it is not advisable to remove tartars by yourself. It is unsafe to do it on your own since you do not have specific training, unlike dental hygienists.

Plaque scrapers are sharp. In this case, you can potentially damage your delicate gum tissues. Improper usage of a plaque remover will not only cause trauma to your gums but also gum recession.

Sharp plaque remover cannot only damage your gums tissues. It can even cause injuries to your cheeks, tongue and other soft tissues. Additionally, you are at risk of developing infections from using a plaque remover on your own.

However, you can also consider some natural remedies that may work help in removing your tartar. But then again, it will still not guarantee a thorough tartar removal.

Natural remedies to remove tartar

You may try doing these natural remedies to remove your tartar. However, it may or may not work out on you, but there’s no harm with trying since they are all-natural materials.

  1. Brushing with baking soda.
  2. Oil pulling, using coconut oil.
  3. Usage of white vinegar.
  4. Usage of orange peels.
  5. Guava fruit and leaves.

Professional tartar removal

Inside a dental clinic, you can trust a dental hygienist to take care of your tartar. They have sufficient training and education to ensure their skills are enough to use dental scalers and other tartar removal tools.

Periodic professional cleaning is best to remove tartar buildup. Dental hygienists will use a hand-held metal scaler to scrape away the tartar. Furthermore, if you have excessive tartar buildup, the dentist may consider doing deep cleaning of your teeth. Deep cleaning includes scaling and root planing.

Aside from getting rid of your tartar, dental hygienists will even do a complete checkup of your oral health condition. This way, they can ensure that no existing oral condition in your mouth that can progress anytime.

Moreover, they can already apply treatments if they manage to detect a potential oral health problem in your mouth or teeth.

Effects of untreated plaque and tartar

Plaques and tartar can cause significant impacts on your gums if continuously leave it untreated. It can develop to an early stage of gum disease, which is gingivitis. You can say that you have gingivitis if you already notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Red or swollen gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Tender gums

Gingivitis can lead to a more severe gum problem, which is periodontal disease. In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, the following can signify periodontitis.

  • Experiencing pain when chewing.
  • Gain loose teeth.
  • Your gums will start to separate from your teeth.
  • Pus starts to form between your teeth.

It can lead you to a more risky situation if you continue to neglect this oral condition.

Importance of tartar removal

It is essential to undergo tartar removal. Periodically removing it through the dentist will ensure to decrease your risk of developing oral health disorders. This way, you can keep your mouth and teeth healthy.

tartar removal tool in actionEven though a tartar removal tool, such as plaque remover, is available in stores, it is still advisable to have it done with your dentist. You don’t have enough training and education to use a plaque remover in the first place.

You cannot put yourself at risk to remove your tartar at home. Furthermore, you might end up hurting yourself and face more oral health problems aside from your tartar. For these reasons, it would be best to have your removal in a dental clinic and let your dentist do it.

Additionally, it may not be only tartar that the dentist can detect. They may see other potential oral problems in your mouth and teeth. As a result, the dentist can apply immediate treatment for it. But then again, nothing will beat a good practice of oral hygiene.

Preventive measure for tartar formation

The team of this Bondi dental practice advise:

  1. Stick to good dental habits.
  2. Brush your teeth regularly.
  3. Floss at least once a day.
  4. Usage of mouthwash can also help.
  5. Visit your dentist regularly for periodic professional cleaning.
  6. Improve your lifestyle.
  7. Eat a well-balanced diet.

As a result of good oral hygiene, the less plaque and tartar formation you can develop. Taking good care of your teeth will keep your whole body healthy and fit as well.


As shown above, we can say that tartar removal is essential. However, we should think about the option to choose how we will remove tartar in our teeth. It can be at home, which incurs too much risk for your safety, or a professional dentist or oral hygienist who has undergone training and education.

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